Mentorship & consulting for individuals or groups who are looking for a results-oriented offer.
If you want to book this service to get individual or group personalized training or consulting with me, please select below what you're interested in and fill up the form at the bottom of this page so we can arrange it.
If you need something different to what's offered here, please contact me to discuss how I can help you. Additionally, you can take classes visiting my online school. This is a good way to assess if you like my teaching style before enrolling in 1:1 or group training with me.
I offer training both in English and Spanish. Exceptionally also in Italian and Portuguese.

A Begginer's Introduction to Affinity Designer.
Complete beginner's training to get started with Affinity Designer in no time.
This training is for whoever wants to hit the ground running and quickly understand the main features and tools in the app, without having to invest precious time guessing with trial and error.
4 hours of online training with me (Zoom)
The user interface in the Designer persona.
Document setup
The Tool bar in the Designer Persona: selection, subselection, corner tool, pen tool, gradeitn tool, transparency tool, import images, crop tool, primitive shapes, text tool color picker, paning, zooming.
Contextual menus
Layers Panel
Effects Panel
Assets Panel
History Panel
Start drawing with the Pen tool
Geometry (Boolean operations)
The user interface in the Pixel persona.
The Tool bar in the pixel persona: selection, marquee selections, lasso tool, brush tool, eraser tool, flood fill tool, dodge brush tool, burn brush tool, smudge tool, bur brush tool, sharpen brush tool.

Entomology illustration:
Dragonfly case study
Learn how to create entomological illustrations using the case study of a dragonfly.
The knowledge you acquire will serve later to also being able to create other insects such as bees, beetles, caterpillars, flies and mainly any insects whose characteristics are somehow similar to a dragonfly (NOTE: this will not be the case for moths or butterflies)
This training is for intermediate or advanced users of digital graphics tools interested in expert training on the matter.
I use Affinity Designer to teach this class, but if you are familiar with other tool of your choice and meet the prerequisites, that's fine too.
Online training with me (Zoom).
Dragonfly final project will be completed.
Duration 6 hours (3 sessions) to be scheduled with the student(s) + support.

Looking for references: there will be a proposed dragonfly for the student(s) to be drawn. The student will work on the same species I work to maximise the learning and workflow.
Document setup
How to use references
Sexual dimorphism
Main parts of a dragonfly
Creating an initial wireframe: vector vs bitmaps. Deciding how and when to use each.
Layers organisation: a key skill for success
The wings: A very complex flying apparatus
The head
The thorax
The abdomen
Bilateral symmetry
Limbs structure
Base colours
Painting techniques
Lighting subjects by convention
Insects hair
Creating volume with lights and shadows
Fine-tuning techniques
Adding written information to the subject: scientific name, gender and scale.

Entomology illustration:
Moths & Butterflies
Learn how to create moths and butterflies and actually create one with this class project.
This training is for intermediate/advanced users interested in expert training on the matter.
The features of butteflies and moths makes it necessary to create a custom class for this insects.
I use Affinity Designer to teach this class, but if you are familiar with other tool of your choice and meet the prerequisites, that's fine too.
Online training (Zoom) divided in Final project will be completed.
Duration 6 hours (3 sessions) to be scheduled with student(s).
Looking for references: the butterfly for the student(s) to be drawn in this class is the Callimorpha dominula (see left image). Under request, we can study other species.
Document setup
How to use references
Sexual dimorphism
Main parts of a butterfly
Creating an initial wireframe: vector vs bitmaps. Deciding how and when to use each.
Layers organisation: a key skill for success
The wings
The head
The thorax
The abdomen
Bilateral symmetry
Limbs structure
Base colours
Painting techniques for complex and colourful wing patterns
On wing textures
Lighting your subjects by convention
Creating volume with lights and shadows
Fine-tuning techniques
Adding written information to the subject: scientific name, gender and scale.

Painting Furry Mammals
Fur is a challenging subject. Often times when rendering a furry mammal, it either looks like it got right out of the washing machine, the hair dresser, or got electrocuted :)
So, in order to get a realistic looking piece of work hat entails fur, there are some techniques, do's and dont's that we need to know about.
This training is for intermediate/advanced users interested in expert training on this matter.
This is a results oriented class with a final project.
I use Affinity Designer to teach this class, but if you are familiar with other tool of your choice and meet the prerequisites, that's fine too.
Online training (Zoom).
Final project to be completed.
Duration 8 hours (4 sessions) to be scheduled with student(s).
Looking for references: Looking for the best resources to work from
Document setup
How to use references
Creating an initial wireframe: vector vs bitmaps. Deciding how and when to use each.
Layers management: a key skill for success
Base colour
Shading before painting
Painting techniques for fur
Fine-tuning techniques
Adding written information to the subject: scientific name, gender and scale.
Please fill up this form with your details.